Trixie Glendale

Trixie Glendale Author Biography

Born 23 November 2003 to Doctor Aleister Glendale and Lenore Lovecraft at the Providence Campus of Miskatonic University Hospital. At least that’s one of the rumors about me. The other is that I was born in South Arcadia City and that I’m a Time Lord.

Attended school at Swan Point Science Academy, graduated with honors with MS. in Applied Hyperphysics and a minor in Transdimensional physics. Abandoned Ph. D. work to become a writer.

Deciding that I spent too much time at university and not enough time in real life, I took what meager cash supply I had and moved into a small apartment on a small river in Rhode Island. No one has heard from me since, except the folks at the liquor store and the local pot sellers.

Until now. Pulling myself out of a six-year period of intoxication, fornication, fishing, and all-around laziness known as getting a Master’s degree, I threw down the gauntlet and fired up the ancient Underwood, and hack out such works as you are about to buy and read.

Currently working on Black-Eyed Kids – Second Reel. Watch for it. It will come out someday.  I’m lazy.  Encourage me by buying Black-Eyed Kids!

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While the BTC/USD price may vary, the cost & fees for this operation remain at a slightly higher rate for this story than the usual $5.99, but you get the satisfaction of knowing you paid in Bitcoin, directly from the Author, and FINALLY!!!, your coins can be spent on a worthwhile cause:

Making sure that Trixie Glendale has enough weed & beer to write the next awesome story!


So you’re interested in acquiring Black-Eyed Kids, you say?  Perfect!  You’ve come to the right place.  I’m sure you saw my Bitcoin method of getting this story to you.  I am in between publishers (Pronoun closed shop), so bear with me.  Use the contact page and I will send you my PayPal address and you will get Black-Eyed Kids for $4.99, hand-delivered to your in-box by my badly overworked computer!